Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Battle for the Fate of America, the West, and the World


Rightists: Jewish synagogues, Christian churches, Moslem mosques, Mormon temples, private schools of these four, Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Fox News, NewsMax, One America News Network, A.M. talk radio, Hillsdale College, Claremont Colleges, PragerU, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, New York Post, National Review, The Federalist, City Journal, Commentary, Republican Party, etc.

Leftists: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, Brookings Institute, Urban Institute, Center for American Progress, Southern Poverty Law Center, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Salvation Army, CARE, CAIR, Foreign Policy, National Interest, Hollywood, Broadway, community groups, identity groups, United Nations, World Health Organization, International Criminal Court, Democratic Party, etc.

Straightists: Ayn Rand Institute, Objective Standard Institute, Atlas Society, Ayn Rand Centre UK, Heartland Institute, Institute for Humane Studies, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Foundation for Economic Education, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, Students for Liberty, Mises Institute, Adam Smith Institute, Fraser Institute, Institute for Economic Affairs, Civitas, Reason, Reason Papers, Undercurrents, Libertarian Party, etc.

The bad guy, illiberal Rightists and Leftists are currently kicking the asses of the good guy, liberal Straightists. The Straightists or liberals were dominant during the Greek, Roman, Renaissance, and Enlightenment eras. But the liberal culture of the 1700s and 1800s is long gone.

This is an irrational, illiberal, warped, foolish, wicked Dark Age. The Straightists or liberals are rising, but need to do much better. The fatuous and depraved Rightists and Leftists are fundamentally weak and vulnerable. The geniuses and heroes of the Straightist world desperately need to attack their loathsome rivals and administer a ferocious beat-down. These liberal paladins need to crush them so badly they never rise again.


  1. How can you be both a "libertarian" and an "Objectivist," since the two are incompatible?

    1. Objectivism is a philosophy and libertarianism is a politics, which is compatible. I'm also a realist, atheist, individualist, and pure liberal, which are also compatible.

      But I'm radically opposed to Objectivist cultism. I CRUSH the cultists in every discussion. They offer poor and ad hominem arguments while I offer astute and rational ones. I'm wildly intellectually, morally, and spiritually superior to cultists like Peikoff, Binswanger, Schwartz, and Brook.


Please try to be intelligent, insightful, substantive, and respectful in your valued remarks. Thanks! :-)