Thursday, August 15, 2024

Alien Enemies


If America was even moderately healthy and civilized – even moderately rational and sane – there would be huge protests and riots against black people. There would be massive demonstrations and days of rage against most American blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, and Third World savage illegal aliens. These animals degrade the quality of life wildly. These enemies and treasonists make America a much worse place.

Blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, and aliens commit crime, go on welfare, receive free health care, consume public resources, pay few taxes, vote for tyranny, debauch the society, corrupt the culture, decline to speak English, decline to celebrate national holidays, decline to respect the flag and national anthem, practice racism, express general bigotry, abuse white people, and hate America at extremely high levels. These demons and destroyers pretty much need to be rounded up and confined to ghettos, where they should pay high taxes and reparations, and work at slave labor, for many years. Then these traitors and vermin need to be permanently deported.

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