Saturday, July 20, 2019

Minority Inferiority

Minorities are inferior. It’s a fact. However much virtually everyone today chooses to evade or lie about it, minority inferiority is a fundamental and important truth about our world today.

American “minorities”, such as blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women are noticeably inferior to “majority” white males in their natures and their nurtures. To anyone even moderately perceptive or honest, this fact is undeniable.

But at the same time, anyone these days who publicly admits this seminal truth about American society is pretty much instantly and brutally attacked by its intellectual leaders and the social and political powers-that-be. Indeed, anyone brave or foolish enough to openly tell the truth about race, gender, religion, sexuality, and so on, generally gets intellectually and morally ripped to shreds in a merciless feeding frenzy.

It’s a blatant orgy of evil. Americans nowadays – both the intellectual elite and the subservient masses – vastly believe in, and try hard to practice, the fatuous and depraved social ideals of political correctness, multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, sensitivity, egalitarianism, minority supremacism, democracy, peace, etc. This is how "good" people think, speak, and act.

Thus any respectful and polite mention of how almost all of America’s true leaders and greats are white and male, and they’re superior in nature and nurture to their black, Hispanic, Moslem, gay, and female rivals, is typically met with a popular horror and fury appropriate to ravenous lions attacking a baby deer. Indeed, even the murderous, marauding, mutant, monstrous space-aliens of science fiction lore are generally treated with more decency and courtesy than real life truth-tellers about ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexuality.

In the current irrational, illiberal, corrupt, decadent, sad, pitiful, Dark Age, everyone is supposed to spit in the faces of whites and males automatically and without cause. Indeed, the more untrue and unjust the intellectual and moral condemnation of whites and males, the better. Critics, moralists, “social engineers”, and “social justice warriors” today revel in their fatuity and depravity.

Anyone in the current era who unwisely dares to defend innocent and virtuous whites or males is unhesitatingly shot down as a “white supremacist” who supports “the patriarchy”. Indeed, such poor, pathetic truth-tellers, and naïve, foolhardy men of virtue, are proclaimed by virtually all to be supporters of the KKK and Nazis, if not Satan himself.

Meanwhile, lowly blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women sally forth with their true bigotry and immorality proudly and defiantly on display. Such fiends and lowlifes also take care to brazenly reveal their fundamental human rottenness by bashing the virtue and sweetness of Western Civilization, America, capitalism, and freedom while they’re at it.

Minority evil these days is truly a sight to behold. Most American blacks, Hispanics, Moslems, gays, and women today openly radiate their inferiority, bigotry, ugliness, obscenity, stupidity, depravity, and general loathsomeness for all to wonder and gape at.

John Stuart Mill on Societyism vs. Individualism

Individuals frequently, voluntarily, and freely come together to form societies, or temporary groups and collectives, for their own benefit. Individuals also frequently, properly, and by right leave those societies, or allow them to disintegrate, when they no longer serve their interests. Such collectives can include a small circle of friends, a country club, a large social organization, a mass movement, or even a nation-state. But in every instance it's the various individuals involved, acting singly, which make or break the subservient, provisional, always-temporary groups. Thus the individual is the fundamental unit, or foundation, of society. It isn't the family, or tribe, or society itself, which is most important or fundamental in human life.

Unfortunately, the philosophy, culture, lifestyle, and attitude of Enlightenment liberalism -- which nourished and uplifted the Holy Individual to a previously unknown extent -- was well in decline by the mid-1800s. This reverse in human progress was carefully analyzed by the flawed, but still powerful, liberal, theorist John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). In his seminal 1859 book On Liberty this philosophical and political thinker took note of the profound decline of liberalism in Western Civilization and observed that: "the tendency of all the changes taking place in the world is to strengthen the society, and diminish the power of the individual."

This wasn't just a matter of mid-1800s Western intellectualism valuing the rather-nonexistent, collective society above the very-real, individual person -- and energetically promoting it in popular culture -- but also of the government coercively imposing these false values and evil ideals. As Mill saw it: "there is also in the world at large an increasing inclination to stretch unduly the power of society over the individual, both by force of opinion and even by that of legislation."

The most powerful philosophical and political destroyers of liberalism in that era, such as Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx, and Engels, were ostensibly pro-reason and pro-science, and thus against religion. But they sought a mental and psychological subjugation of the individual -- placing him beneath his derivative society -- which was unprecedented in the 2600-year history of philosophy and belief. It went well beyond mere monotheism, such as Christianity and Islam.

As Mill saw it: "some of these modern reformers who have placed themselves in strongest opposition to the religions of the past, have no way been behind either churches or sects in their assertion of the right of spiritual domination." Ultimately, the enemies of the philosophy, culture, lifestyle, and attitude of Enlightenment liberalism are: "aiming at establishing...a despotism of society over the individual surpassing anything contemplated in the political ideal of the most rigid disciplinarian among the ancient philosophers."

Thursday, July 18, 2019

White Supremacy

Whites are superior to blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs. They’re better than them in both their natures and their nurtures. As a race or a people, blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs are all significantly inferior to whites.

This is true both historically and currently. Whites were and are clearly the more impressive group intellectually, morally, and spiritually. Their excellence and dominance in business, science, art, philosophy, and politics are obvious to all.

Whites have stronger minds and better cultures than the "minority" blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs. They're more civilized and socially advanced. White people have superior educations and are raised better in their morals and manners. In many respects, blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs are like chimpanzees compared to whites.

The sub-species of humanity known as white people is the glory of the human race. From the ancient Greeks and Romans, to the recent Renaissance and Enlightenment nations, to the Anglosphere and America today, no race or people was ever finer. And current white people are the absolute planetary hope for the future.

But if you’re not white, and don’t like reading this, then you need to improve your sorry biological or social tribe. You need to uplift your pitiful race or people. Or, at least, you need to elevate yourself.

And you certainly need to stop vilifying and demonizing all the wonderful and magnificent white people that you hear about or run across. You need to bring a screeching halt to all your outrageous, hateful, evil racism.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Liberal Failure

Why did the late 1700s Enlightenment liberals lose out to the early 1800s Romantic semi-illiberals? Why did the philosophies of the rational individualists lose out to the philosophies of the semi-irrational individualists? 

In large part, probably because the liberal and rational individualist philosophers were too abstract and theoretical. Their ideas and teachings simply weren’t very practical or workable. The leading liberals of the late 1700s were almost all people of the upper-class or well-educated middle-class. They weren't regular middle-class or lower-class persons, which made up perhaps 90% of the population then, and which dominated the popular culture.   

More to the point, the teachings of the Enlightenment liberals were probably too cold, dry, artificial, sterile, lifeless, and soulless. Reading them today, in the 21st century, the liberal thinkers then seemingly didn’t adequately take into account human emotions, passions, love, lust, drives, and instincts. But it’s the job of a rational liberal philosopher to provide instruction and guidance about all these aspects of life. To help people richly exploit and fully experience all of these important phenomena.

The leading intellectuals of the Enlightenment evidently also didn’t adequately provide men with meaning and purpose to fill the void left by the radical decline of religion. Overall, they didn’t adequately fulfill people’s ambitious, growing, psychological, and spiritual needs and wants. 

And so folks in the early 1800s turned to the irrational and slightly crazy. To the rather senseless and foolish Romantics. They turned to tortured geniuses and magnificent lost souls and suffering artistic greats to lead them. They sought out “Byronic heroes” to rather mindlessly follow, obey, and worship. 

Reasonism and liberalism as ideals didn’t fail or somehow come up short in the Enlightenment era. The ration liberal philosophers of the 1700s probably just did a bad job of explaining and advocating them. Or maybe it was simply too early in the process of human intellectual development and progress. 

What is clear, in looking back, is that the late 1700s Enlightenment liberals never powerfully and convincingly rejected the epistemology of nihilism and religion. Nor the ethics of self-sacrifice to the Other, or "the collective", or "god". Nor the politics of welfare statism, including power and privilege for the rich and upper classes, plus government charity and vice-tyranny for the poor and lower classes.

But mainly the 1700s liberals seem to have failed at adequately studying, understanding, and then explaining, to the intellectual elite and the vulgar masses, the nature of human emotions, passions, love, lust, drives, instincts, meaning, and purpose. Which is quite a failure! 

No wonder the debacle of new-style irrationality, illiberalism, Romanticism, monotheism, progressivism, fascism, and socialism won out. No wonder the old-style disaster of religion, government force, and pervasive self-sacrifice continued. People in the early 1800s wanted "to believe in something bigger than the self". The liberal intellectuals back then didn't provide that or, at least, didn't explain why the Sacred Self was big enough.  

Let’s hope the new liberals, perhaps lead by the Objectivists, do a lot better job of it this time around!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Monkey World

This is a monkey planet. But I’m not one of you. And I have no respect for you either.

With all your stupidity, depravity, and malevolence, you do inspire a certain amount of fear in me. But no respect. Mostly you inspire, and fill me with, disgust and horror. Your loathsomeness and repulsiveness are a sight to behold!

Why is the bible far and away the best-selling book on The Planet of the Apes? Because you deserve no better. Because you know no better, nor likely will you ever.

Why is The Communist Manifesto far and away the second best-selling book on this Monkey Planet? The same.

Wretched and verminous Jesus and Marx are all you know They’re all you’re good for. It’s a wonder you all don’t worship a giant pile of cow feces covered in flies and maggots. It’s a mystery why you all don’t support a government which makes you all jump off a tall, rocky cliff.

Such is your philosophical and political thinking at its best. Such is your level of virtue, you liars, cowards, monsters, and worms.

Humans are natural slaves. The problem is: I refuse to be your master. I don’t want you. You’re not worthy.

I well know you all desperately hunger to devotedly and lovingly use your mouth to wash my anus after I’ve taken a dump. But I won’t allow you or your tongue to defile and pollute me thus.

The sooner you all just go away, the better. The quicker you baboons all suffer hideously and die pathetically, the better.   

Western History

The philosophy, culture, society, lifestyle, perspective, and attitude of liberalism was discovered and invented 2600 years ago in the Athenian colony of Miletus. The philosophy of liberalism, in its essence, is the epistemology of reason and science, the ethics of individualism and self-interest, the politics of liberty and justice, the aesthetics of romanticism and heroism, and the spirituality of transcendence and triumph.

But from the beginning liberalism was opposed and attacked by its opposite ideology, illiberalism. The ignorant, low, weak, and timid were usually anti-liberal. This intellectual falsity and depravity took three forms: right-wing conservatism, left-wing progressivism, and down-wing nihilism.

The right-wingers tended to believe that the new, liberal era version of "god" was the most important thing in the universe, and that the individual's job was to live for its sake, and to nobly serve it as a kind of personal slave. The left-wingers tended to believe that the new liberal era version of the collective was the most important thing in the universe, and that the individual's job was to live for its sake, and to nobly serve it as a kind of personal slave. The down-wing nihilists tended to believe that nothing was important of meaningful in the universe, and that the individual had no job or purpose in this senseless, trivial, fundamentally-empty universe and life.
However, the up-wing liberals realized that the individual was the most important thing in the universe, and that his job in this new, wonderous, magnificent Liberal Era was to nobly live for his own sake and try to be truly great and happy -- and even try to be a kind of genius, saint, and hero.

Early conservatives could be seen in the mystery cultists of Eleusis. Early progressives could be seen in the military communists of Sparta. Early nihilists were generally highly evil, and thus tended to destroy themselves, and could only be found in various, temporary, scattered pockets. Early liberals could be found everywhere there were rational, free, healthy, wealthy, successful, happy individuals, groups, and nations.

Up-wing liberal Greeks like Aristotle, Epicurus, and Zeno the Stoic, along with up-wing liberal Romans like Cicero, Lucretius, and Horace, radically enhanced Western Society and individual happiness, and caused them to powerfully ascend in almost every way. But right-wing conservatives, with assistance from their mutually-illiberal allies on the left, eventually caused a horrific Dark Age to descend upon the West in the Medieval Era.

However, new liberals emerged during the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Western Civilization became better than ever. But left-wing progressives, with assistance from their mutually-illiberal allies on the right, eventually caused the current ghastly Dark Age to descend upon the West.

Now, up-wing liberals like the Austrian economists, political libertarians, and philosophical Objectivists have prominently emerged over the past half-century. And so ever since about the 1980s, the philosophy, culture, society, lifestyle, perspective, and attitude of liberalism have been rising.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

What is Liberalism?

Liberalism is that philosophy, culture, lifestyle, and attitude which began with the discovery and invention of reason and epistemology by the Ionians of classical Greece. This was evidently largely initiated by Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes, of Miletus, starting in about 585 B.C. 

These intellectuals are the first known to separate reason and strictly logical thought from emotion and desire, as well as from inborn drives and instincts. These three geniuses also carefully investigated, and sought profound explanations about, the universe, life, society, and the individual, without reference to irrational, superstitious, or supernatural thought. This means these heroic giants rejected the path of their best predecessors, and refused to offer "the gods" or mythology as an explanation for anything. They sought the truth using rational methods, evidence, theories, and explanations only.

The result of this was the monumental creation of science and philosophy!

But these three "scientists" and "physicists" also created, at least in a very rudimentary form: 1) the epistemology of reason, logic, and science; 2) the ethics of individualism, self-interest, and personal happiness; 3) the politics of liberty, justice, and individual rights; 4) the aesthetics of beauty, romanticism, and heroism; and 5) the spirituality of the sublime, transcendent, and triumphant. Such was magnificent Greek liberalism!    

The conquering Romans mostly embraced, and then advanced, liberal theory and society further.

Then philosophical and cultural liberalism in most of Europe went into steep decline during the medieval Dark Age. It was a grim, sad, low era of irrationality -- of epistemological skepticism and relativism mixed with epistemological dogma and faith. Religion, especially Christianity, stepped into the ignorant and immoral breach of the first Dark Age. "God" filled the void left by the extreme retreat of reason and liberalism. 

Then came the highly rational and individualistic Renaissance and Enlightenment. The philosophy, culture, lifestyle, and attitude of liberalism rose higher than ever. But by WWI, liberalism again was declining significantly. Postmodernism, especially socialism, stepped into the ignorant and immoral breach of the second major Dark Age. It filled the void left by the new retreat of reason and liberalism. 

But the philosophy, culture, lifestyle, and attitude of liberalism are now ascending for the third time in the West. The Second Renaissance began in the 1980s or so with Reagan, Thatcher, Gorbachev, and Deng. Its most powerful engine is Ayn Rand and her intellectual descendants like Hicks, Kelley, Peikoff, Binswanger, and Branden. Another strong driver of the rising neoliberal era is the Austrian economics-based revolutionaries like Bastiat, Mises, and Hayek. Still another mover is sundry isolated champions of reborn classical liberalism. 

Soon philosophical right-wing conservatism and left-wing progressivism -- the two deviant, weak, and failed ideologies left over after early-1800s Enlightenment liberalism started to fade -- will probably be crushed by today's emerging up-wing liberalism. It might even happen before the turn of the century. This is because, historically and currently, liberalism is far and away mankind's truest and best philosophy.