Monday, December 26, 2022

Bad to the Bone


Some people are born bad. They’re weak and inferior in their biology and genetics. Moral goodness and ability to civilize aren’t simply a matter of will or individual choice. These capacities are partially inherent and inborn.

Some people tend not to work hard, smart, and slick. Like children and animals, they also can’t much delay gratification, for long-term pleasures and benefits. Others naturally work too hard and delay gratification too much. They don’t know how to enjoy themselves or life very well.

Some people by nature tend to beg, borrow, and steal. They’re inclined to also commit crime and violence. Others tend to mindlessly slave away without purpose or profit. They don't treat themselves very well.

Ultimately, some individuals, families, communities, societies, ethnicities, and races are naturally evil. Compared to their rivals, they’re inherently weak and inferior. To prevent such people from overly harming themselves or others they need an especially strong, strict, clear, simple moral code.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Dark Matter


Maybe scientists are going about the search for dark matter all wrong. Instead of just looking for matter which neither emits nor reflects light (or photons) – but which evidently does exert a (positive) gravitational force and possesses dark energy – maybe they should try to make it. Perhaps they should take a look at the 36 or so known particles – such as quarks, gluons, and neutrinos – and then attempt to combine them in some novel way. This might yield a recipe for darkness. And if physicists can create a pure anti-photonic glob of something, Occam’s razor suggests that this is the most likely form of it in the cosmos. So scientists can focus most of their sensing devices on that.

Once dark matter is manufactured, its nature should provide all kinds of clues as to what dark energy is too. Of course, scientists might want to try to create dark energy before dark matter, or concoct them simultaneously. Scientists might also search for some kind of mathematical formula or physics equation to suggest how dark matter or energy might exist in theory. This could help in the struggle to create dark matter and thence find it in our galaxy and universe.

Of course, it may simply be that dark matter is black holes. That alone would explain the too-rapid revolution of stars, galaxies, and galaxy clusters. And maybe some of the black holes consist of anti-matter or even some version of "right-handed" matter. Partially repulsive black holes of this type may explain the accelerating expansion of the universe.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Early History of Irrationality


Humans have almost certainly thought, spoken, and acted irrationally since they essentially reached their current biological state, around 60,000 years ago in eastern Africa. Irrational belief and activity were likely common phenomena then. Even high-order animals occasionally think and behave irrationally. So superstition – or arbitrary, false conclusions about cause and effect – is evidently a standard human error. Mythical stories and explanations of various types were very probably typical for the tribal people of that era.

But when human beings changed their lifestyle and started to live together permanently in large cities around 5,300 years ago in Sumaria, and 200 years later in Egypt, they no doubt compared and contrasted the many irrational beliefs and myths that they all had. The intellectually and esthetically best probably soon came to dominate. The poor and weak ones were deliberately forgotten. Very likely the most wise and entertaining mythological tales were improved, elaborated on, and spread wide.

Soon enough there were superhumans, supernatural powers, magical creatures, and gods all over the place. They performed miracles of goodness, badness, and strangeness. And these fanciful entities engaged in all kinds of mischief – to educate and amuse us. Irrational nonsense was institutionalized and gained a prominent place in the culture of the West.

Meanwhile, nation-states and elaborate mythology or polytheism also emerged in India around 2500 B.C. and in China around 1800 B.C.

But 2,600 years ago, reason was discovered and invented in Greece. With it came science to explain the physical and natural world, along with philosophy to explain the intellectual and human world. The old Greek mythologies involving Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and the like were radically changed. They were made more simple and yet more profound. The primitive irrationality and superstition of mythology was updated and improved to the sophisticated irrationality and superstition of religion.

The newly-invented monotheism – however fraudulent and absurd – could at least somewhat stand up to science and philosophy. Reason didn’t immediately extinguish this belief-system, high-level irrationality, and destroyer of man. However false and evil the new phenomenon was, it didn’t succumb to the powerful intellectual and cultural forces of rational observation and analysis.

This was almost certainly the result of the preachers and cultists brazenly promising an "afterlife" and "immortality in paradise" to their followers. The Greeks created a variety of such "mystery cults" starting around 2,500 years ago. Many were based in Eleusis – about 20 miles from Athens and the first "Jerusalem".

However openly irrational and nonsensical, these "mysteries" were often exalted by Greek intellectuals, playwrights, and others of social and political prominence. And this way of thinking, so to speak, quickly made its way to Greece’s closest advanced neighbor, Persia. The Persians used it to invent Zarathustraism, the world’s first fairly elaborate and well-thought-out monotheism or religion.

A century or so later came Plato. His ideas made their way to another advanced culture on the border of an expanding Greece: Judea. The thinkers of that nation combined traditional Hebrew mythology, independent new-style monotheism, Zarathustraism, and Platonism to create Judaism. This irrational idea-system was the first truly sophisticated religion.

The Hebrew nation’s powerful belief-system eradicated all other competing polytheistic and mythological gods in their area. The Jewish religion with their one omnipotent god was magnificent. Or at least as close to magnificent as something so devastatingly irrational, harmful, poisonous, and evil can be.

But all the foregoing, important history and interpretation needs to be established thru scholarship and historical research. It needs to be verified with original sources and careful citations.

And I’m a cultural analyst – not a scholar. So someone else needs to do it!

Monday, November 28, 2022



Blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems are ruining America. They ruin virtually every neighborhood, city, province, and country they take over. Everyone knows this. But these days no-one is allowed to admit it publicly. And maybe not even privately to themselves.

The reason Blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems radically degrade the culture and quality of life in America is because they’re inferior to whites. They’re considerably baser and more animal-like in their nature, nurture, and volition. This is sometimes known as their biology, culture, and morality. Everyone knows this too. But, again, no-one is allowed to admit it publicly. And maybe not privately either.

Americans are almost completely brainwashed on these issues. And willingly so.

But however damaging the growing invasion and conquest of America by blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems is, the real problem isn’t them per se. It’s the evil white Americans that protect and promote them. It’s the universally-accepted authorites – the white intellectual and political leaders of the country – who ferociously won’t permit the truth to be spoken about these predatory and destructive minorities.

So blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems aren’t really the driving or controlling edge of America’s demographic and cultural decline. Evil, racist, self-hating whites are responsible. The minorities are merely guilty of acting in their predictable, monkey-like manner and availing themselves of the opportunities thrust before their eyes. The ennablers of these destroyers are the ignorant, depraved, suicidal whites guiding them. If blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems choose to richly exploit the foolish, gullible, corrupt, self-hating, self-destructive white Americans in their midst  who can blame them?

These minorities note the obvious. They see a golden opportunity to take advantage of naive, deluded, falsely guilt-ridden, white Americans. And so they logically decide to invade the country, whether legally or illegally. Then they do their minority thing – their low intellectual, moral, and spiritual thing. Blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems get to work committing crime, going on welfare, parasitizing off the welfare state, voting for Big Brother, and abusing whites. They do this while openly hating and damaging Western values, America, capitalism, and freedom; and while openly practicing racism against their white benefactors.

All of this everyone knows and no-one admits. But once these minority cancers are inside America, the blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems then brazenly claim that white people are abusing them! This Big Lie defies belief. But minorities do learn to effectively make this asinine and depraved charge. They learn it from America’s white leaders.

Shockingly, no-one is more anti-white than white people. The "systemic racism" they believe and practice against themselves is simply astonishing.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Thinkers of the World, Unite!

The virtuous and high-quality intellectual and philosophical leaders of America, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan should get together and demand that the Western nations break off all diplomatic, social, and economic relations with the powerful, evil, enemy, slave nations of China and Russia. These two monster peoples – who essentially seek to enslave or destroy all of mankind – need to be summarily expelled from the United Nations, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, World Health Organization, Group of Twenty, Olympics, International space Station, and the like.

The leading Western thinkers should also issue ferocious intellectual refutations and scathing moral condemnations of the loathsome Chinese and Russian polities, cultures, and societies. This should devastate them spiritually. It should also kill off most of their honor, pride, self-esteem, self-confidence, will to fight, will to resist, and will to live.

And without all the current, massive transfers of Western wealth, technology, and weaponry to these Chinese and Russian slave societies, they should quickly start to wither and die.

No doubt the wicked and low-quality intellectual and philosophical leaders of the West will resist and fight these liberal statements and declarations. But such thinkers are fundamentally weak, wrong, and depraved. They can be defeated.

Then the populations of America, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan will follow the intellectuals' lead. And so will the political leaders. Nuclear and bio-chemical war will be avoided. Good will defeat evil.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Our Savior, Jesus


Many good people today call for a return to religion, or to traditional religious culture, in order to defeat the rising philosophy of Wokism or new-style leftist progressivism. Even some Objectivists, libertarians, and classical liberals call for it. This is because they see right-wing religiosity and left-wing Wokism as the only two viable philosophical alternatives today. They observe that by far the best current supporters of social, economic, and political freedom are the religious. Hence some relatively intelligent, educated, and virtuous people look to them for partial salvation, or at least for an emergency stop-gap.

But Western Civilization first became great in the Greco-Roman era before religion was powerful, maybe around 450 B.C. to 100 A.D. Then the evil godly got to work, eventually crushing reasonism and liberalism. A thousand-year Dark Age ensued.

The West only became great again after religion was massively driven back down. The corrupting, debilitating, culturally-devastating belief in "god" had to be hammered during the Renaissance and Enlightenment before the magnificent world of liberalism could rise to a new height. So it's more logical to think a new and improved version of rationality, individualism, and liberty needs to destroy both the collectivist left and the religious right.

A new ascendency of religious conservatism also seems far too weak intellectually to defeat the hideous Woke philosophy. And even if it could, this would not be a good thing. The victory of such an alien and wicked philosophy in our Greco-Roman world would likely only temporarily improve Western society, and only by a small amount. And over time the religious right, if allowed to dominate, would likely plunge us all into another irrational, illiberal Dark Age.

Monday, October 31, 2022



Belief in god is immensely immoral. The religious are lying thru their teeth when they claim god exists, when all the known facts and evidence indicate the opposite. They’re lying even worse when they claim this fictional god-fellow is all-knowing and all-powerful, also lacking any facts or evidence to back their assertions. And they’re lying still worse when they say he intervenes in human life; and men should slavishly serve him; and he will judge, reward, and punish people upon their death.

This is all made-up nonsense and without a scintilla of reason or proof to support it. Belief in the massively important idea and potential entity of "god" necessarily involves the rejection of reality, truth, reason, life, happiness, and hope. And you can’t get more evil than that! Humans desperately need all six of these ideals and values.

Religious belief also invites and motivates people to do as many wicked things as they wish and to be as wicked as they care to be. None of their horrors matter since the god-believer can escape all proper punishment merely by 1) "believing" in god, and 2) confessing his sins, and 3) offering an apology. Then god cancels out all his depravity and the evil-doer gets to live in Paradise forever. This contrasts vividly with a man who is a thousand times better, but who neglects the three acts above, and thus gets to burn in Hell forever. What injustice and stupendous evil!

Religiosos are such demons. Meanwhile, people who believe in reason tend to behave, and are almost always decent and good. They’re often heroic and noble. Rational folk generally make something of themselves and their lives. Reasonists simply don’t trash themselves and their fellow man as the religious usually do. But the god-believers are almost invariably lying scum and destructive monsters.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Monster Species


Humans are remarkably hostile, inimical, inferior, and alien. Who or what are these people? They seem like freakasauruses, Bizarro World creatures, and space aliens. They look and act like disgusting, loathsome, hideous monsters.

Still, I’m probably better off living and interacting with them to a large degree, rather than just with fairly rational and noble cats and dogs. Compared to all other living species, humans have a stunningly high level of intelligence. God knows where they go it from – those slick, slimy, lying bastards – but they do clearly have it.

Of course, their humanity, decency, morality, and nobility doesn’t near match their brain power. Almost all people have souls which are empty and hearts which are black. Humans barely have any pride, honor, self-respect, or desire to do anything right, or be anyone good. At their best, people might shed a few phony tears over a close friend who dies tragically. Humans are scum to an incredible degree.

It’s very normal to be some version of an anthropologist here on Earth, studying the demons and freaks. Mostly I try to figure out how to avoid them, or at least how to lessen the amount of damage they do to me. It’s important to learn how to best navigate the Twilight Zone world they’ve created.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Bad to the Bone


Some people are born bad. They’re weak and inferior in their biology and genetics. Moral goodness and ability to civilize aren’t simply a matter of individual choice. These capacities are inherent and inborn.

Some people tend to not work hard, long, smart, and slick. Like children and animals, they also can’t much delay gratification for long-term benefit and pleasure. Others naturally work too hard and delay gratification too much. They don’t know how to enjoy themselves and life very well.

Some people by nature tend to beg, borrow, and steal. They’re also inherently inclined to commit violence and crime. Others tend to mindlessly obey authority and slave away without purpose or profit. Some individuals, families, communities, societies, and races are naturally evil.

To prevent such people from harming themselves and others, they need an especially strict, strong, clear, simple moral code.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022



Footnotes are for morons and scumbags. Footnotes are for the intellectually and morally bankrupt. Footnotes are for literary failures. If you’re particularly dull-witted and slimy, and have nothing to say, use footnotes! A good rule of thumb is: The more the footnotes, the more the article or book isn’t worth reading. No writing of quality or value has a lot of footnotes.

Whenever a thinker or intellectual is incompetent and a loser, he quietly indicates this by using a lot of footnotes – by inventing a slew of phony references. He tries to hide his intellectual fatuity and depravity by directing us to a plethora of falsely erudite and recondite sources.

But smart and good people aren’t fooled. People of intelligence and virtue refuse to read such heavily footnoted vapidity and intellectual nonsense. Their time and life are too valuable to waste on such pleasure-destroying, soul-sapping drivel.

Footnotes suck the life out of every essay. They vitiate and ruin every piece they infect. They kill the thrill of intellectual discourse, and the fun of life.

These academic cancers drain the joy out of every fascinating and important intellectual debate. They render it lifeless, void, tedious, and moot. Nothing on earth is more boring than reading a footnote. Even vital issues of tremendous controversy are rendered lifeless and empty by footnotes.

As for people using quotations in their writing, yes, such things often help to illustrate a point. Yes, they frequently strengthen an argument by placing a powerful authority behind it. But these quotes don’t necessitate a footnote. Any truly important reference can be placed in the body of the text or, at worst, inside a brief parenthesis.

People of quality and brains who have something to say don’t use footnotes. Articles and books worth reading don’t have footnotes. So my message to everyone is: Stop boring us to death with your joyless and awful writing, you footnote-bloated morons and scumbags!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Manifest Destinty


It’s the manifest destiny of America to be destroyed by Third World savages. Now that the philosophy of Wokism dominates the country, and now that it’s growing stronger every year, there’s no denying the obvious.

Even today, Africans, Hispanics, Moslems, Indians, and other peoples of an inferior race and culture, exist in huge numbers inside America. And many more are flooding in every day via legal and illegal immigration. In only a few years they’ll become the majority. Their domination and rule will be overwhelming – assuming it isn’t already.

The frank truth is these people are mostly here to socially and economically rape whites and America. They have no interest in cooperating with, assimilating into, or bettering the nation; and they feel no moral obligation to do so. Indeed, they think whites and Americans have a sacred duty to accommodate and better them. The Third World barbarians feel no guilt for the widespread, irreparable harm they cause.

These anti-American exploiters and degenerates are like locusts: They’re ravaging and savaging America and white people from coast to coast, from flower to root, and soon there'll be nothing left. When the country is gone, these remorseless parasites will move on, looking for new victims.

The philosophy of the Third World monsters is one of extreme illiberalism. They reject virtually everything that smacks of reason, science, reality, nature, objective truth, and objective morality. They oppose almost all aspects of individualism, self-interest, liberty, justice, the rights of man, and (especially) capitalism. And they stand against essentially everything that has to do with order, beauty, dynamism, heroism, the sublime, transcendence, and triumph. Such is illiberalism – the culture and philosophy of uncivilized destroyers.

The invading and conquering Third World demolitionists have a society, lifestyle, and attitude which doesn’t much allow for nobility or greatness. Envy and resentment of fine people and their accomplishments is central for them. In simple terms, their fascist, socialist, racist, sexist, censoring, Woke belief-system is dedicated to "hate freedom, kill freedom" and "hate whitey, kill whitey". These anti-American deviants, predators, and nihilists pretty much seek the obliteration of everything and everyone good.

Ironically, the Third World savages are mostly led by white people. Especially intellectually. These warped demons are fatuous, depraved, self-hating, and self-destroying to an extraordinary degree. They actually seem to understand that once all the good whites and other Americans are terminated, that they will be next. Amazingly, these twisted virtue-signalers and Wokester demons like and want this.

So America is doomed. There isn't enough liberalism left inside to save the people or the country. And there aren't any good prospects that liberal champions, or the liberal philosophy, will rise up soon enough to form a decent defensive coalition.

The future is clear. The writing is on the wall. It’s the manifest destiny of America to be destroyed by Third World savages.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Tools of Cognition


The ferociously pro-reason philosopher Ayn Rand says: "Emotions are not tools of cognition." But they are. Not scientific or exact tools. But lightning-quick, profound, often-strong, and important ones.

However rational you are, almost always you should trust your instincts or your gut. You should pay close attention to these subconscious feelings, test them on a continuous basis, and try to determine how often these vague but poweful impressions prove to be true, or at least helpful. When it comes to comprehending the nature of reality, and what actions to undertake, rational calculation alone isn’t always enough.

Your gut is highly suggestive and can often tell you a lot as to whether you’re on the right or wrong path – as to whether triumph or disaster looms. These subconscious emotions and impressions can and should guide much of your thinking and behavior. They’re useful and often invaluable tools regarding what to think about and why. Hence, despite what Ayn Rand claims, emotions are formidable and crucial tools of cognition.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Speech Utopia


Hate speech isn’t free speech. Bigoted speech is rightly deemed a crime. Those who engage in it should be fined and jailed. And they should be banned from social media. No-one should be allowed to say anything that might offend minorities such as Negroes, Latinx, birthing persons, gaylords, chicks with dicks, BIPOCers, and LGBTQIAFK+KNT-FG=SKMBGs. Free speech is fine in theory, but not when someone may not like or agree with it.

We all need to thank the wonderful Mainstream Social Media, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram for censoring any speech, and banning any speakers, which certain marginalized and targeted groups might find unpleasant. The internet’s cancellation of ideas and persons which some minorities might object to is to be commended.

I, for one, am very sensitive to, and triggered by, any comments which others may make which I could construe to be critical of my perceived social identity group or intellectual views. Thank the goddess that Mainstream Social Media censors such comments and commentators! Whenever I imagine that some person or remark may be opposed to certain aspects of my group, opinions, or lived experiences, I immediately fall into a panic, and curl up into the fetal position, while I burst into tears, and cry out for my mommy. Then I instantly retreat to my special safe space where I compulsively make molds with Play-Doh, fill in my coloring books, squeeze a warm puppy, drink hot chocolate, and suckle my caretaker’s bosom.

After only a few days of comforting, soothing, cooing, and nipple-sucking, I boldly emerge from my hidey-hole to bravely and heroically face the evil unwoke world. But thank the birthing person deity I don’t have to experience these limitless horrors every day, due to the strict censorship and banishment policies of the Mainstream Social Media!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Elephants in the Room


At some point we need to admit the obvious:

1) China, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran need to be invaded, conquered, and liberated from tyranny. So too the Western allies and "friends" Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

2) Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan need to get nuclear weapons and strong anti-missile systems. They also need to stop morally sanctioning, appeasing, enriching, and arming their communist, Islamic, and Third World enemies.

3) China, Russia, Pakistan, and North Korea need to have their nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles confiscated or destroyed.

4) America, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and others need to rapidly develop effective nuclear and hypersonic defenses.

5) Even without embracing true political liberty, the major Western nations need to radically roll back their Welfare States. Start with no more government health care, education, or charity. Add in no more professional licenses or business permits for any person or commercial enterprise which earns under a million dollars a year. Let them start up in one day, with no business restrictions or regulations except for blatant criminal fraud and theft.

These five are all giant and obvious problems which need to be solved.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Critical Theory Nihilists, Communists, Racists, and Sexists


Kant and the current socialists and reverse bigots call their ideas and theories "critical" in the sense of supposedly employing careful, exact, complex, technical, subtle reasoning. But their maliciously-motivated, obviously untrue and evil belief-systems are actually, deliberately, linguistically idiosyncratic, convoluted, and incomprehensible. They make complicated, hazy, empty distinctions that generally don’t exist and are rarely worth understanding. Their internal contradictions and general falsity usually renders these ideas incoherent and un-understandable. And the "learning" it embodies and displays is considerably corrupting, polluting, debilitating, and debauching for the self and mankind.

The nihilist Kant, and the modern Marxists, racists, and sexists, are fatuous and depraved alien monsters who spout sneaky, tricky, overwritten, overintellectualized, overanalyzed, technocratic obscurities and foolish, nonsensical, wicked, double-talk gibberish. They do so in order to impress and con the gullible and low, and to destroy the individual and his society. What vermin they are!

BĂȘtes Noires


Are blacks beasts? Are they more animal-like than whites? Are blacks naturally immoral and criminal? Are they inherently prone to sloth and violence? Are blacks child-like in their lesser ability to defer gratification and pursue long-term interests? Are they naturally superstitious, prejudiced, self-indulgent, and intellectually slovenly? Are blacks genetically inclined to be "shiftless and lazy"? Are they significantly dumber than whites?

No-one wants to know. Virtually no-one today dares to find out. But despite this remarkable intellectual dishonesty and cowardice, virtually everyone knows the answers to these questions anyway. Pretty much everyone knows the implications too.

This is because the reality of blacks is so manifest. All you have to do is talk to them, observe them, watch the news shows, and read some history books.

In the end, assiduously evading the issues has only partially protected society from learning the facts about black people. Intense societal indoctrination and ferocious self-deception has only partially obscured the truth. So what do we do about it?

They need to go. Most or almost all blacks probably need to be kicked out of America and the West. They can’t be integrated, they aren’t happy here, and civilized whites suffer from having them around. This necessary expulsion is just as Lincoln and countless others foresaw, recommended, planned for, and wanted.

No, not all of them. Not blacks per se. But all the people of significantly inferior nature and nurture, in relatively civilized America and the West, almost certainly need to go. Such low-lifes and destructive elements need to be stripped of citizenship and deported.

Because blacks are basically killing America and the West. They’re pretty much ruining everything. Every block, neighborhood, shopping area, recreation spot, park, resort, city, and state that they infest and infect.

Citizenship, residency status, immigration policy, and visitor visas should be based upon merit. No enemies or destroyers should be allowed inside.

Rome died, in large part, because it it let in, and kept in, what they knew to be "barbarians". Due to a similar invasion by black people – and a militant refusal to do anything about it – America and the West seem doomed to the same fate.

Sunday, July 10, 2022



What if you’re unknowingly an android in the real world or a computer program in a cyber universe? You could be a sort of wind-up toy for the amusement of superior beings. Or a kind of lab rat being tested in scientific experiments.

If you’re really a rodent, you could try to figure out a way to ask the alien scientists to give you better experiments to perform. You could suggest they observe how you function and adapt as a billionaire, with a harem, who lives in Disney World, plays lead guitar for The Beatles, and hits clean-up for the Yankees. Life would be sweet!

Possibly even better than being a pampered lab rat is being a sophisticated cyborg or piece of self-aware software. You could suggest the superior aliens extend your lifespan to 1000 years. Or make you indestructible and immortal. Life might be even sweeter!

Many people today feel sad to realize that the universe is as big and unknown as it is, and that they might actually be like the androids Decker and Racheal in Blade Runner (1982), or like the computer programs Billy and Maria in Devs (2021). But the potential for rich experience, greatness, and happiness in this alternative existence seems immense. I kinda hope I secretly am an artificial being or computer simulation; and that my creator chooses to increase my quantity and quality of life radically!

Thursday, July 7, 2022

God and Country


Prior to 1965 and the New Left, Western society tended to believe in "god and country". It found meaning and purpose in those two values. Western peoples were animated and guided by them and – altho' they were loyal to family, friends, and community too – they tended to live their lives in service to them.

Of course, the pre-1965 Left believed in and followed god and country far less than the Right. The Left of the post-1914 Dark Age was much more secularized and internationalist – which was good. But it was also generally irrational, nihilist, sacrificial, fascist, and socialist – which was not. Both the Right and the Left in the 1914-1965 period generally rejected liberalism, modernity, and the Enlightenment.

Some problems with the ideals of god and country are "god" doesn’t exist, and it involves opposition to reality, life, pleasure, happiness, hope, and even holiness – all of which are sacred concepts. As for "country", that is usually chosen randomly, by accident of birth, and thus this value often involves supporting mediocre or bad people doing mediocre or bad things. The proper ideal is to only admire and adhere to the greatest individuals and groups that can be found.

Neither the philosophical Right nor the Left, neither before nor after 1965, has any good answers. All are irrational belief-systems that stand against liberalism, modernity, and the Enlightenment.

What needs to replace the nonsensicality, pettiness, and dirtiness of religion and nationalism, of "god and country", is some sort of rational, magnificent, and noble belief in Self and Mankind. Or at least some belief in the potential greatness of the individual and the ascent of man.

What counts, ultimately, is the universe, life, humanity, and the noble soul. These are holy. Human beings are god-like creatures who create their own meaning and purpose in life, just as they fashion their own characters, and heroically carve out their own souls. Proper humans love themselves and their sacred lives. In the short time given to them, virtuous individuals try to accomplish as much as possible and become as great and god-like as possible.

Living by the standards of "god and country", and adhering to the values thereof, is depraved and irrational, and constitutes a very inferior and unhappy way of life.

Monday, July 4, 2022



Moslems are savages who radically degrade the quality of life on this planet. They need to be defeated.

The governments of the sharia-based, jihad-active, slave nations of Islam need to be overthrown and replaced with libertarian ones. The Moslem peoples must pay for this Western take-over and the administration thereof. The West should also take back the oil and natural gas stolen from it via the mid-1900s "nationalizations". The robber-baron nations need to pay back the wealth stolen, plus interest, penalties, and recovery cost, including most or all of their land, if necessary for restitution. Because Moslems in the West are disloyal, harm the culture, and pose a physical threat, they should be deported. And no Moslem is allowed to brainwash kids under 18 into their false and evil philosophy. Violators must do ten years of hard time, pay a $100,000 fine, and forfeit their children to adoption.

People need to be civilized and not animals. Moslems are no exception. Property rights, justice, and liberty aren’t optional for nations. And the false and evil ideals of political correctness, multi-culturalism, diversity, inclusion, cultural relativism, moral equivalency, and the like aren’t justifications for Moslems being savages who radically degrade the quality of life on this planet. These monsters need to be defeated.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Western War on Itself


Douglas Murray isn’t a liberal. He isn’t a race or gender realist either. So there isn’t much in the way of serious goodness or truth in his current best-seller The War on the West (2022).

Still, he defends Western Civilization far better than most. Or, at least, he attacks its attackers far better.

As everyone educated and virtuous should know by now, Western society took a turn for the worse around 2015 with the advent of what could be called Monster Leftism, but which most people call Woke Leftism. This could be seen in the unprecedented rise of Antifa, B.L.M., social media de-platforming, impeaching Trump, transexual-mania, defunding the police, and more.

The Right has its own problems, and also in about 2015 it turned to conspiracy theory. But the Left embraced socialism, fascism, racism, sexism, censorship, cancel culture, anti-Enlightenmentism, anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and Big Brother in a way, and to an extent, previously unknown. Current Leftists are illiberal, postmodernist, and anti-Western to a remarkable degree.

Murray responded to this new evil and threat to the world with the books The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, and Islam (2017) and The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race, and Identity (2019). Both are solidly good, relatively speaking. And they’re quite similar to the work of his colleagues David Horowitz, Bruce Bawer, Pamela Geller, Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro, Jonah Goldberg, Pat Buchanan, Mark Stein, Andy Ngo, and a few others.

All these ferocious writers and intellectuals are religious conservatives. But they also lightly or moderately promote the philosophy of classical liberalism. Thus they somewhat rise above the trivial Right-Left divide and partially do advocate the noble philosophy of Westernism and modernity.

But not one understands that life is a battle between liberalism and illiberalism. The Right-Left conflict which consumes them is minor and a distraction from the real war which confronts us.

And not one of these deep thinkers admits that blacks and women are inferior to whites and men. No serious discussion of the nature, nurture, and morality of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Orientals, men, and women is to be found in any of their semi-polemical books.

So these supposed defenders and promoters of Western liberalism are close to philosophically impotent. And their level of intellectual honesty, courage, and integrity on the pivotal issues of race and gender is close to non-existent. Ultimately, their intellectual incompetence and profound illiberalism offer the Western world virtually no hope.

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Three Categories of Philosophy and People


Right-wing conservatives are brainwashed, irrational, illiberal, ignorant, self-hating, and self-destructive. They mindlessly believe in god – and somewhat the collective – while rejecting reality, life, mankind, themselves, and happiness. They support the bad status quo while opposing change for the better. Conservatives embrace welfare statist tyranny, especially on personal and social issues. They’re selfless and sacrificial opponents of personal achievement and pleasure, who rarely smile, laugh, feel good about themselves, or have fun.

Left-wing progressives are brainwashed, irrational, illiberal, ignorant, self-hating, and self-destructive. They mindlessly believe in the collective – and somewhat god – while rejecting reality, life, mankind, themselves, and happiness. They support change for the worse while opposing the superior status quo. They’re selfless and sacrificial opponents of personal achievement and pleasure, who rarely smile, laugh, feel good about themselves, or have fun.

Straight-wing liberals are clear-thinking, rational, educated, self-loving, and self-ascending. They intelligently believe in the individual – and not god or the collective – while embracing, reality, life, mankind, themselves, and happiness. They support the status quo when it’s good, and change when it’s for the better. They reject welfare statist tyranny in favor of full social libertarianism and economic capitalism. They’re selfish and greedy lovers of personal achievement and pleasure, who frequently smile, laugh, feel good about themselves, and have fun.

No person or society is purely conservative, progressive, or liberal. All are some mixture. But the more liberal the individual and culture, the higher their level of greatness and happiness.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Right, Left, and Straight


Rightists and Leftists are essentially illiberal monsters bent on destroying mankind. They’re philosophical and cultural deviants and perverts who are quite good at their job. Especially today, about 230 years after the zenith of philosophical liberalism.

Philosophical and cultural Rightists claim "god" exists, it’s the most important thing in the universe, its influence determines much of the nature of truth, everybody should sacrifice their whole being too it, and everyone should slavishly serve it their whole priceless life. Philosophical and cultural Leftists claim "the collective" exists, it’s the most important thing in the universe, its influence determines much of the nature of truth, everybody should sacrifice their whole being too it, and everyone should slavishly serve it their whole priceless life. Rightists and Leftists favor a criminal welfare state and destructive slave government to force people to follow their false and evil philosophies, and to coerce helpless innocents into adhereing to their loathsome values.

"Straightists", meanwhile, are liberal heroes and saints bent on liberating and saving mankind. They admit that reality exists objectively and absolutely, and that truth exists independently of the wishes and claims of the godly and the collectivists. Straight-wing liberals – unlike right-wing conservatives and left-wing progressives – understand that the Holy Individual (i.e. you) is the most important thing in the universe, and that society and every single person should loyally and nobly defend and promote Him without limit. Straightists also favor a free state and libertarian government in which every person can freely choose His own philosophy, and adhere to whatever values He chooses, and live as He wishes.

Rightists and Leftists are illiberal demons that need to be eradicated from the Earth, lest these monsters do this to us.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Diversity and Inclusion


"Diversity" and "inclusion" are important parts of the illiberal, postmodernist, Dark Age philosophy of Wokism, which emerged around 2015 or so. But the social ideals of diversity and inclusion constitute an attack upon exclusivity, merit, achievement, and greatness. They invite in low, dumb, unworthy, unqualified blacks, Hispanics, women, and other "minorities" to schools, jobs, places, and situations where they don't deserve to be and don't have a right to.

This favortism and bigotry based upon irrelevant biology is malicious and indefensible. Such "social identity group" discrimination is unjust and immoral. The standards and goals of diversity and inclusion harm the good and great people of this Earth. They also degrade the institutions involved and damage the whole society. Diversity and inclusion are an assault upon humanity, especially persons of quality, nobility, and magnficence.

No-one should be become a member of a distinguished group or organization who isn’t himself noteworthy or distinguished. Having dark skin or female genitals aren’t qualifications to join. Only merit, achievement, and excellence should count. Only people of genuinely high value are beneficial to, and worthy of, any exclusive schools, companies, clubs, organizations, and institutions to which they belong.

The selection process for elite groups and organizations should be based upon inborn and developed talent alone. Only superiority and specialness should count. If some black, Hispanic, woman, or minority is undistinguished, unimpressive, unqualified, and unmeritorious, then – just like mediocre whites and males – he needs to be kept the hell out. There’s no substitute for achievement and greatness.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Our Job


Our main job in life is to work as long, hard, smart, and well as possible, in order to accomplish as much as possible, and make the universe as orderly and beautiful as possible. This achievement provides the most meaning and satisfaction, as well as the maximum pleasure and happiness.

Our job is to fully realize our potential and fulfill our personal destiny. We need to exploit every opportunity to enhance our goodness and greatness. It’s a full-time job of infinite challenge and difficulty. And since this job is never done, we need to be aggressive, but humble, before it.

Sunday, June 5, 2022



Robber-barons essentially rule the world. From China to Russia to Japan to India to Europe to America, there are phony businessmen everywhere you look. These dictatorial billionaires rob mankind blind.

These ultra-thieves are created by government monopolies of one sort or another. The criminals use the state to seize control of some extremely important product or service, so that if the public wants it, as they almost always do, they have to go to the robber-barons. On top of their exclusive economic niche, many or most of the oligarchs also receive government subsidies, import protection, and bureaucratic regulation to keep down competition. There are many possible names for this planet-wide system of economic tyranny and theft: crony capitalism, phony capitalism, corporate capitalism, corporatism, fascism, princely capitalism, corrupt capitalism, counterfeit capitalism, criminal capitalism, klepto-capitalism, tyrannical capitalism, and more.

In 1996, President Bill Clinton claimed, "The era of big government is over." This was largely based upon the 1980s liberal revolutions led by Ronald Reagan in America, Margaret Thatcher in Britain, Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union, and Deng Shiao-ping in China. It was also based upon the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989 and the Soviet Union in 1991.

To many, the 140-year war between capitalism and socialism seemed to be over. Individualism-based economic choice had won and collectivism-based economic coercion had lost. From now on, evidently, it was freedom for all and tyranny for none.

Socialism had supposedly been both intellectually refuted and politically defeated. So now capitalism was going to take over the globe. As American intellectual Francis Fukuyama put it, it was "the end of history".

The future would consist solely of political free enterprise, free trade, and laissez-faire business activity. And along with this economic liberation would come social and personal liberalism. As Milton Friedman put it in 1980, we were all going to be "free to choose".

Of course, none of that happened. The post-1991 worldwide welfare state grew bigger and nastier than ever. This is because however much people wanted and needed individual liberty, the finest economic, social, and political theorists of that era understood freedom and individualism about as well as an aardvark understands calculus.

And under the advice of their illiberal, nitwit, dirtbag, Western brothers, the backward Chinese, Russians, Indians, and everyone else "liberated" their societies by selling off government businesses and granting economic monopolies to the politically connected and criminally corrupt. Virtually never were these giant commercial interests sold freely and honestly to the highest bidder with the proceeds going to the people. And as these new and terrible plutocrats were created in the East, the Western robber-barons of the past three decades expanded their power and wealth too.

So here we are. This is Planet Oligarchy. Outside of relatively small pockets in the West, there’s hardly a single legitimate billionaire anywhere. They virtually all have government regulation, protection, and monopoly on their side. These coercive advantages let them steal and dictate on the grand scale. These robber-barons bribe the rulers almost without limit, and often effectively become the leaders too.

Capitalism is nowhere to be found. Liberty has no national home. And the greatest geniuses and heroes of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, and the like still understand economic, social, and political liberalism less than the poor aardvark mentioned above.

Crony "capitalism" is the political system found in every nation on earth. And robber-barons pretty much rule the whole world.